Key Elements

Voxels: The Building Blocks of XAR

  • Voxels serve as the foundational elements in XAR, much like atoms in the real world.

    • Each voxel has a consistent size of 4cm, ensuring precise measurements in both virtual and physical spaces.

    • As key resources, voxels follow a specific production and consumption pattern and are managed according to the ERC-20 token standard for streamlined handling and trading.

    • Colors are not predefined; builders choose them during the creation process.

  • Special Voxels:

    • Glow Voxels: These voxels emit a soft light, derived from bioluminescent life forms. Their unique appearance allows players to craft items that stand out, providing both aesthetic beauty and increased value.

    • Crystal Voxels: These are exclusive voxels that can only be found within creations made of crystal textures, offering a unique flair to certain designs.

Natural Objects in XAR: Ores and Creatures

In XAR's vibrant ecosystem, nature provides players with two kinds of valuable objects: Ores and Creatures.

  • Ores are static resources scattered throughout the XAR world. Players can mine these ores to obtain essential materials, including voxels and sometimes special items that can enhance their creations or gameplay. Mining ores is a crucial activity for gathering the raw materials needed for building and crafting within the game.

  • Creatures, on the other hand, offer a dynamic element to the natural world of XAR. They appear and reappear periodically, creating opportunities for players to interact with the environment in real-time.

    • By engaging with these creatures, players can acquire voxels, with a chance to receive special voxels and cores — advanced designs that come with movement features, adding depth and complexity to the game.

Constructs: The Pillars of Player Creativity in XAR

Constructs in XAR are artefacts built by players, crafted from Voxels and animated into life by Cores.

  • Foundation of Constructs: At the heart of every construct lies the strategic use of Voxels — the building blocks of XAR. These provide the structure and form of constructs, allowing for a wide range of designs and complexities

  • Animating Constructs: Cores breathe life into constructs, infusing them with movement and function. This advanced technology elevates player creations from static models to dynamic entities that interact with the AR world.

  • Rich Rewards: Compared to Natural Objects found within the game, Constructs offer a higher drop rate for valuable materials, making them not only artistic contributions but also strategic assets in a player's journey through XAR.

Armor: The Protection Layer of Objects and Constructs

Armor in XAR signifies the structural integrity and durability of objects within the game. The concept of armor is crucial for players who wish to ensure their creations withstand interactions and challenges in the augmented reality environment.

  • Stability and Durability: The higher an object's armor rating, the more resistant it is to being demolished. This rating reflects the robustness of a construct, determining how well it can hold up against potential threats or attempts at destruction.

  • Varied Armor Ratings: Every item in XAR is assigned an armor value, which varies based on the item's rarity and design complexity. This system introduces a strategic layer to building and interaction, as items with higher armor ratings offer greater resilience but may also require more energy to interact with or demolish.

  • Impact on Energy Consumption: The armor rating of an item directly influences the amount of energy needed for actions involving that item. High-armor objects might demand more energy to build, modify, or demolish, challenging players to manage their resources wisely and plan their actions with the structural integrity of objects in mind.

Blueprints and Cores: The Essence of Creation in XAR

Blueprints: The Foundation of Fast Building

  • Blueprints serve as the foundation for rapid construction within XAR, allowing players to bring their visions to life with efficiency and precision.

  • Players have the unique opportunity to mint Blueprints of their creative works as NFTs, opening the door for others within the game to replicate and interact with these designs.

  • Through an in-game marketplace, these NFTs can be traded, creating a vibrant economy that rewards creativity and innovation among players.

Cores: Advanced Evolution of Creation

  • Cores represent a leap forward in the realm of XAR creations, embodying holographic Blueprints that come to life with movement. This advanced feature sets them apart from standard Blueprints, infusing creations with dynamic behavior.

  • Found at the heart of moving entities, such as drones, Cores are the linchpin of evolved and animated constructs within the game. Their discovery and utilization mark a significant milestone in a player's creative journey, offering a deeper level of engagement and possibilities in the augmented reality world of XAR.

Sprouts: Grow Your Own Plants

Sprouts represent the initial stage of plant-based growth within the XAR ecosystem. These early forms of vegetation can be obtained through interaction with both natural plant objects and player-created Constructs within the game.

  • Acquiring Sprouts: Players have a chance to receive sprouts by engaging with plant-like Objects and Constructs. Additionally, physically interacting with real-world vegetation, such as grass and trees, through touch can also trigger the discovery of sprouts in the augmented reality environment.

  • Growth Cycle: Once planted, these sprouts embark on a journey of growth, eventually maturing into full-fledged plants. Like their initial forms, these mature plants can be interacted with, including being broken apart for resources or other game-related benefits.

Energy and Action Limits in XAR

In XAR, Energy serves as a vital resource that fuels player actions within the augmented reality landscape. The system is designed to balance gameplay and encourage strategic planning.

  • Energy Capacity: Each player is capped at a maximum energy level of 100 points. This energy replenishes naturally, increasing by 1 point every 5 minutes, ensuring players can continue to engage with the game over time.

  • ENC (Energy Can):

    • Energy Restoration: ENC can be used to immediately replenish a player’s energy. Remarkably, it allows the energy level to exceed the normal maximum, reaching up to 999 points, thereby enabling extended gameplay and interaction.

    • Item Protection: Applying ENC to items adds a protective shield, rendering them indestructible for a designated period. This feature is crucial for safeguarding valuable constructs against demolition by others.

    • Accelerated Growth: ENC can also be used to reduce the growth time of plants, speeding up the cultivation process and allowing players to harvest resources more quickly.

    • ERC-20 Compliance: Energy Cans align with the ERC-20 standard, making them tradable tokens within the XAR ecosystem. This facilitates a vibrant economy where players can exchange energy resources as needed.

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